The Cupcake Machine

A set of carry-on modular machine

operating with 2 Leap Motions

that makes an instant cupcake

based on your personality data.


project brief

Concept sketched by Yang Liu

Concept sketched by Yang Liu

The era of social media brings enlightenment to the democratization of design and manufacturing.

We can find countless videos on YouTube and open-source resources online

that teach us how to design and make almost anything.

In the Carry-On Manufacturing class project, our goal was to use resources found online,

and designed a set of carry-on modular machines

that could invite users to engage in a performative manufacturing process.

Our team collectively came up with the concept of the “Cupcake Machine.”

Yang Liu designed the animated personality test.

Di Wang designed the interactive components of Arduino and Leap Motion.

And I was in charge of designing the modular machine itself.


Step 1 : Assembly


Step 2 : Personality test


the big five-10

The Big Five model of personality is widely considered to be the most robust way to describe personality differences. It is the basis of most modern personality research.


We adopted the BIG FIVE-10 (BFI-10) personality test for collecting personality data. And we modified the BFI-10 test into an interactive animated story so that its much more fun and user friendly.

The stories and illustrations are beautifully done by our team member Yang Liu.


Test result

屏幕快照 2018-12-14 下午2.58.19.png

step 3 : Extrusion


step 4 : bake

The Cake.jpg